Yesterday I put on miles. Lots and lots of miles ( or maybe I should say Kilometres?). I have not actually driven that much in quite awhile. To Surry-Cloverdale-Surrey-Home to Delta-Richmond-Home-Surrey-Home-Richmond-Home-New Westminister-Home-Surrey-Home. Yikes. I had my first job interview in quite a few years to teach summer school in Surrey. I could see the "newbie" teachers with their portfolios and binders. Not me...I came with experience. 15 years of teaching Chemistry and Math, all at the same school. Have taught summer school quite a number of years I'm pretty good to go...and I told them that. We'll see what happens. I would really like to NOT have to cross a bridge or tunnel in the summer! If not maybe I can relax and put my feet up in the kiddie pool this summer. Listen to some Glee and Karaoke in my "new" backyard. Fingers crossed that it all works out.