CRAZY cat. I'm reading my favorite book series by Diana Gabaldon(instead of marking, cleaning, laundry, etc etc). It is an amazing series and love that I got to have my books autographed by the Author at Chapters a few years back. It is like meeting a Hollywood star! I also had Jean Aurel autograph a book for my mom and Jack Whyte a book for a friend. I've ready the Outlander series almost 10 times over the years. I remember my friend Naomi bought me the first book for my birthday back when I was in University. Every time a new book comes out I re-read the entire series to make sure I'm ready for the next installment. I'm on the fourth now ( Drums of Autumn) and I've told myself that I can only read it when I get caught up the stacks and stacks of marking...oops I forgot my marking at work. I guess a chapter or two can't hurt!