The Red Door

As part of our preparations to sell the house we have obtained the services of a house stager. They have selected the colors for the inside, light fixtures, mirrors for the bathrooms, doors knobs for closets and kitchen. Last week they requested some changes to the outside as well. One being the front door. From brown to red. Lousiana Hotsauce to be exact. Trying to upgrade our old mailbox has become quite the challenge. Looks like after two trips to Home Depot we will need to paint the old one(mailbox that is). The inside is almost done. Lots of things to the storage locker, constant cleaning, tidying and touch-ups to paint. The new shower door in the master bathroom went up this weekend and there is not much left to do.

Tuesday will be a difficult day as we spend the day celebrating Rhys and all those that he touched in his brief life. We are thankful for the helping hands that will watch the youngest on Tuesday. There is a webpage set up on Facebook that shows just how much he accomplished in such a small time here. The pictures, videos and stories are a sweet reminder of all his joy. Please keep the Lewis Family in your thoughts.
