
I'm excited....but first I have to finish the school year.  For teachers this means finishing up the learning outcomes, providing assessment and feedback, calculating Term 3 marks, giving final exams, cleaning up the classroom, handing back assignments, prepping for next year, invigilating exams etc etc....
I'm really excited to move...but first I have to pack up my house, put it in storage, pack up the kids and ship them and my hubby off to PR, move some of my stuff into the Gramm's house, clean the old house and get ready for summer school. 
I can't wait until we move into the new house...but first we have to paint some of the rooms, move two storage lockers, move the kids and hubby back from PR and still continue to teach summer school but I'm really excited.


Purplestamper said…
I am also excited for you Marla. Sounds busy and exciting. Can't wait to see the new home. Sweet sweet sweet. Super happy for you too.