We have packed boxes, lots of boxes and even more boxes. When we moved to this house we had possession two weeks before we had to be out of out townhouse. We had all of Spring Break to paint Alyra's room, our room and some other rooms in the house. We moved in one day while Alyra was in daycare and tada...it was done! Things are a bit different this time around. Two more kids and a whole lot of stuff later. I have a plan...a list...a time line...and life gets in the way.
This week will be hard for a very dear friend of mine. Seven years ago this week she lost her baby girl. I think about her often and although we don't talk all the time she knows that she's in my heart. I remember the feeling of helplessness when I found out. She was one of the first people I turned to when they told me Connor wasn't going to make it. She cried with me and told me she would be there. I was terrified. When Rhys died, I turned to her for advice ( asked her what I could do for the Lewis Family). We have talked about it often over the years of what helped and didn't during the time after. I want her to know that I remember. And although I can't be there to give her a hug on Wednesday or the days that follow, I'll be thinking of her. She's one of those strong women that I am surrounded by.
This week will be hard for a very dear friend of mine. Seven years ago this week she lost her baby girl. I think about her often and although we don't talk all the time she knows that she's in my heart. I remember the feeling of helplessness when I found out. She was one of the first people I turned to when they told me Connor wasn't going to make it. She cried with me and told me she would be there. I was terrified. When Rhys died, I turned to her for advice ( asked her what I could do for the Lewis Family). We have talked about it often over the years of what helped and didn't during the time after. I want her to know that I remember. And although I can't be there to give her a hug on Wednesday or the days that follow, I'll be thinking of her. She's one of those strong women that I am surrounded by.