C has had the same rainy day jacket for the past three years. It really isn't a rain jacket as so much a piece of clothing that he wears when it's to warm to wear his winter jacket but to cold to go without. When your child is an LP, it's hard not to get tired of their clothes. They don't out grow their clothing items like their average height counterparts. To say I get bored of C's clothing would be an understatement. I have had lots of parents say to me that I'm lucky I don't have to buy new clothes because C doesn't out grow them. I guess that's one way to look at it. But when your child can wear the same shirt year after year....not so much. C is like any other boy...dirty and messy and can walk out the front door looking dapper and come back looking like he just climbed out of a mud puddle ( Because let's face it, many days he ends up face down in one). Last year when he went to kindergarten, I realized quite quickly that we had not bought enough school clothes. By the end of the year he started to look pretty ragged and I was tired of seeing him in the same outfit day after day. This year we have made sure that he will have enough functional clothing to last. All of his pants and most of his shirts need to be altered now ( thank goodness for Barbie) and we can't get away from putting him in 24 month pants...boy has got booty. So this year we are going to have sets of clothes. We will start with one set and then rotate. Keeping Mommy from getting tired of seeing the same shirt over and over again. And this year as we walked into Costco, we saw the perfect rain jacket. He tried it on and we will now replace the piece of clothing that he wears on rainy days and the best part is that this one is even water proof!