My foot...

As most of you know I thought I sprained my ankle a couple of weeks ago.  I stayed(tried to) off of it and thought it was getting better.  As the cold weather set in I wore pants and found that the pant leg that hit the top of my foot caused sharp pains in my foot.  I couldn't kneel with my foot flat on the ground.  I can't sit on the balls of my feet.  My foot starts to lose feeling and I have pins and needles in it.  So I sucked it up and went and saw our amazing family Doc.  X-rays and touch and feel determined that I have torn the ligaments near one of my metatarsal(copied and pasted ;-)) bones.  I need rest ( ya mom I know gets rest), elevate and stay off of it.  NOT happening.  So the other option is a boot cast.  So tomorrow or the next day I'm off in search of this thing that looks like a boot so that I can be on my feet at work and at home.  Doc asked if I could take time off of work and then she chuckled ( her hubby is a VP so she knows I can't)?  I WOULD love time off but not at this time of the year.  Setting the base line for the school year is important in the classroom, so no I can't take a week off of work.  Hopefully it will start to feel better soon.  It's pain to drive and stand in front of my class all day...literally. 

ps...John made an appearance at C's school and he is OK with the explanation he got today in regards to C's placement.  Met the teacher and handed her one of the LPBC Awareness Packages.  Hopefully she reads it!  October is Dwarfism Awareness Month and I'm going to challenge myself to post a bit more often.
