Mr. C loves the new house. He has his own bedroom and his own bathroom. We have put lever handles on the doors that he needs to be able to open and are in the process of putting light switch extenders on all the lights he will need to turn on ( it's all done in his room). He has a set of stairs that lead up to his sink and a toilet platform that my dad built for him in his bathroom. In the main level bath he has a stool to stand on. To help him with his clothes he has a dressing stick ( to be honest he doesn't use it that much) and we are still helping him in the washroom area ( this is still a big concern for his independence). He can open the sliding door and go out the back of the house and he can open the front door and head to the front of the house (something he could not do in the old house). We are looking into a shower head that will grow with him. We saw a great one this summer that slides up and down to adjust to height. Getting into and out of the tub is a bit of a challenge because of the depth of the tub. He has a set of stairs that my dad built that he uses to get water in the kitchen and we have put snacks, cereal, bowls, plates and spoons down in a cupboard on floor level. He can also use these stairs to help out in the kitchen as well, although Miss A thinks they are her stairs to use. He had anxiety about being locked in the old house on his own. He use to freak out if we went outside, even to the put out the garbage. Now we could head out and he doesn't even notice. So much more relaxed. He's growing up and is not my "baby" anymore.

Stairs for the Kitchen |
Chair for School |