local corner store

Today the family walked to the local corner store for a treat and some fresh air.  We took the wagon, the dog, and four kids ( two on scooters) and off we went.  The weather was lovely and the rain held off until we were home and snug in the house.  The thing about the corner store is that they have stuff I KNOW we don't have here in Canada....milky way bars (which are my fav) and other lovely candy things that are not normally stocked on Canadian shelves.  I stocked up on Milky Way Bars the last time I was down so I picked up some coke bottle gummies instead.  Since we live ten minutes from the border they must also do the run across and stock up on the lovely confections we don't have here.  So if you are in need of a candy fix...this would be the place to go (60th Ave and 168th Street)
