My Wish

My phone had a text message last night that made me smile and cry at the same time.  The newsletter made it's way to one special family...The Lewis Family.  Deena sent me a text that said she knew that I put my whole heart into that newsletter.  It is hard for her...I can't even imagine.  If you have been following for a while you know that Rhys's death hit everyone extremely hard.  I have been doing the newsletter for LPBC for the past two years and knew that this one had to be special.  I was very afraid to do it...loath to actually.  I put it off and put it off until I could put it off no longer.  October seemed like the perfect deadline as it is Dwarfism Awareness Month.  I wanted our members to get it during the month...not when the month was finished.  That means I had to have it to the printer by the end of September and in envelopes by the 1st or 2nd week of October.  My other newsletters were only 12 pages and in Black and White.  This one was 20 pages and in color.  I wanted it to be a fitting tribute to a special little boy and a mixture of old and new.  I am thankful for that text message.  I had a good cry about how unfair life is, how I don't understand, how I miss that little boy...and then I peaked in on Mr. C snoring away (even without his one tonsil and adenoids) and gave him a little snuggle.
