the other kids and her birthday buddy, Jessica.
Now, as to the other matter. This week Mr. C has been complaining about his wrist again. "It hurts" and his teacher sent us an e-mail asking us to have it checked out. Not such an easy thing with a kid like Mr. C. We tossed the idea back and forth as to whether one of us would take him in. Daddy won the draw and away they went. He's back home now with a half cast and a sock thing on his arm. Overuse and a fall may have contributed to the wrist being sore. There is no evidence of a break from the x-rays they took today but they thought it should be protected. Three days of wear both at night and during the day...any then we see. They recommended a follow up with Ortho to see what's up but I'm not sure that will lead anywhere. We need to think about Physio again and since we've lost our connection to physio that could be complicated. Not many physio's have experience with Lp children. To be honest, I'm tired of the hospital, Doctors etc....there are times I want to scream ( like I did last night) and roll around on the floor and throw a little tantrum. I want SOMEONE to say they can help him. Someone to know what is going on. I want to have confidence that the doctors know what is best. I want my son to be pain free and happy. I want him to be able to use his arm. I do NOT want to go down the path we did last year at this exact same time.
The ranting is over for tonight. I'll go up and watch him sleep with his arm in his "soft" cast lying on a stuffy bus and I'll have a good cry because I love him so very much.