
That was what I was last night to say the least.  I arrived at 6:45 for my vocal placement (I'm a bass in this type of Chorus), was given some sheet music and placed next to a mentor ( who had been singing with this group for 31 years).  We were led through a bit of a body warm up and then stood on the risers ( all scattered together).  We then proceeded with our vocal warm up ( may, me, my, mo, moo and a whole bunch more vocal sounds) and varying octaves.  Marking the sheet music with a pencil and making notes along the way with breath levels, crescendos, sounds, etc., we went through the ballad.  Then there was another "jazzy" number that we tackled.  OMG...it has been 18 years since I sung with a choral group and read sheet music.  I didn't leave until 10:30 pm, got home around 10:40 and I was wiped out.  Even today my throat is sore.
I thought I might go again to the open rehearsal next week and then decide if I want to tackle the audition part.  It's a 4-5 week audition process, with the final audition as part of a quartet singing the "jazzy" song.  It's big commitment and I'm not sure I'm in that place just yet.  Most of the women there are either older, or single with no kids...hmmmm.  Part of me is at that "Am I good enough?" stage...I hate that feeling.  I told them last night that I hoped that there was a Simon Cowell in the group to tell me to take a hike if I was not good enough.  I would hope that they would not let me attempt to try out if I was not cut out for it.  
It was amazing to hear that choral sound again, it has always made my heart lighter and goosebumps rise up on my skin.
