My son is 7 years old. Has a spunky personality and drives me nuts some days. He has a cheery disposition most of the time and can wrap most people around his little finger. He is also a Dwarf. No, not the fairy tale kind. The term Dwarf is considered a medical term. We don't use it much in our house as we prefer the term "little person". Mr. C was born with Achondroplasia. The most common form of Dwarfism. Some stats say 1 in 25 000 births and others say 1 in 40 000. Mr. C has a mutation in the FGF3 gene which slows down the conversion of cartilage to bone and therefore this is why his bones are so short. Mr.C's long bones are shorter then the average kid his age, although when he is sitting down he is the same height as his peers. His torso is average for his age. His head is BIG for his age. Big Head=Big Brains. He's had many many procedures done. Most recently teeth have been removed because jaw growth is effected. He is at the age that he is struggling with his difference. We are actively involved in LPBC and are planning on attending our second LPA Conference this year in San Diego(click here). It's an important year for him to make friends his age and socialize. Both my husband and I have decided that will be our focus. He can party like a rock star and crash at the end of the day. Take his scooter down and play with the other LP boys or girls his age. We can't wait. As this month goes on I plan of telling little meaningful stories that we like or on the opposite scale that I don't like. I hope you can help us celebrate our Son's unique difference. We know that we can't picture our life without him.