Just Some Sentences

Connor and I will be attending the ALPA conference in Calgary!  He is super excited and so am I.  I'm looking forward to the social aspect and letting him "party like a rock star" as his Dad says.  The house has four groups going through it today and three set up so far for the open house on Sunday.  This morning was a mad scramble to put away any evidence that there are three kids living there, but we did it.  There are a few Skylanders hanging out by the TV /Wii but they look like they belong.  We went in search of our own "new to us" house this past weekend and boy what an experience.  We looked at some show homes in a new development that were supper nice and had that "new" house smell.  We looked at some larger homes with the basement split into 10 small rooms.  Yikes.  This weekend we will head out to cloverdale to look at some houses out there.  We've talked to a few people at work who commute from there and they says it's comparable to the time we have now.  Just a different route.
I'm looking forward to some down time tonight.  Maybe watch the Good Wife and GCB episode that I have on the PVR.  Maybe I'll head out to a movie....or fall asleep on the couch.


Purplestamper said…
What did you end up doing Marla? Miss you sweet friend. Miss you. So excited for this next chapter of your life. Although I never have been to this house..I'm coming to the new one. :-D
Marla Ryan said…
I ended up catching up on the phone with a few people and then sat down to watch a bit of TV. It was joy! I'm looking forward to the end of the this new chapter and ready to move forward.