
I've been pretty lazy when it comes to blogging this past week.  No desire to share the day to day stuff, or maybe it's the frustration of the still lack of answers and movement on Mr. C's arm.  Work?  It's interim report time and I'm so far behind on my marking it's not even funny.  I'm not sure where to start with the stack of stuff in my cupboard.  I've got a box of 180 foldables, 90 Math 9 exams, 30 Precalc 11 exams and soon to have 60 chemical reactions exams to mark.  I should be taking it home to mark but I just don't feel like it.  I should have spent the extra day off yesterday marking like my hubby but I didn't. 
My mom and I took a much appreciated and much needed over night trip to the US on the weekend.  We shopped and we ate and we chatted and it was lovely.  John had some quality time with the kids and his mom who came into town for a conference. I splurged and bought two new pairs of shoes and mom got me two beautiful dresses( from my favorite store the "DressBarn") for my cruise in the spring. Less then 40 days to go!  Whoot, Whoot!
