A dear friend shared this on facebook yesterday and I loved it! It is so true! My grade 12 students asked me today if I liked teaching and I said yes. It definitely has its moments but overall it is a joy to teach today's youth. I teach Math ( and Chemistry) but when I tell people I teach Math they say...."WOW". They either say they liked math or they hated math in high school. But in general they can all remember their Math teacher, good or bad. I wonder why that is. I can remember my Math 12 teacher like it was yesterday. Mr. Glaspey. He talked about throwing "fluffy" from a bridge and calculating the area under the curve. Awesome calculus stuff. He made math fun and interesting. I try to make it fun for my students. But there are times when teaching how to solve absolute value equations or 3 variable systems of equations (...) that things get a bit boring...really when will they ever use this stuff anyways. There are days where the lesson goes as planned and other days where I throw it out the window. My job is never the same. Things change on a daily basis and I have to be "ready" for anything that comes my way (like the morning of 9/11). Most of the time we as teachers have to put on our happy face no matter what our real lives are challenging us with. Some days that's hard. Students are shocked when they see their teacher at the store, at the movie, at the mall, buying groceries. I often tell my students that the janitors don't hang us up on the coat hook at night then take us down in the morning...we are real people too.