Dear Diary,
Do you remember those times that I would sit down just before bed and write down my crazy thoughts back in high school. How I continued to write during my University days. It's been a long time. I find things have changed now. There is a Garth Brooks song called "Unanswered Prayers" and I often think of that as I read some of my "old" thoughts and dreams. You see as I clean up, to get ready to move, I found you in my bedside table. I haven't written in you for quite some time but still have some passages dating back to high school. As I watch Alyra write in her diary, I am reminded how important you were to me at the time and how I am finding comfort in this blog. I chuckle as I am reminded of stories long forgotten. Boy did we share some good times!
I think it's time to put you away and save you to show Alyra ( and Connor and Arwyn) some day...I think we will continue with our chuckles over stories and dreams. Just like reading your elementary school journals. I may not be a hairdresser or a ballerina ( or a spy or a diva)...but maybe someday I will own that cupcake shop.
Affectionately yours