May Long Weekend and Butterhorns

We have a family tradition.  It goes as far back as I can remember and it revolves around the May long weekend.  Or as we call is 24th of May weekend.  Parades, Crowning of the May Queen, bagpipes, soccer tournaments, highland dancing, and dancing around the maypole.  I can hear the song in my head and can remember dancing with a ribbon in my hand and weaving between my classmates.  We use to go to my Great Grandmothers house and walk to the parade from there in Cumberland.  There was a bakery that sold the most amazing butterhorns.  I miss those butterhorns.  Mom use to buy them by the bag and we would freeze them.  We would watch the parade and then follow it down to the field where my grandfather (papa) would be playing in a soccer tournie.  It was a tradition that we would all gather on that weekend.  When my grandparents moved to Powell River that tradition began to give way to other things.  We didn't attend May days on Vancouver Island anymore.  Over the past 3 years we have established a new tradition.  We now gather at Kent's Beach.  We rent a cabin and the grandparent bring their campers.  We play, fish, chat, toast marshmallows, have dinners for 25 and gather around a campfire.  My kids won't remember the traditional May Days as there were meant to be, with parades, Maypole Dancing but they will remember the time as a family and that's what it's all about.
