Tonight I went to negotiate our offer for the house we would like to purchase. That offer was accepted after some tense moments and now we must move forward from here. Can I say I'm tired? Frazzled? Excited? Flabbergasted? Elated? What a whirl wind we have been on. Tomorrow is the home inspection on our house. I'm crossing my fingers that it all goes OK and we can have the subjects removed. I don't want to jinx it. We hopefully (fingers crossed) will be moving to Cloverdale ( just off HWY 10) at the end of July. I'm told that it is a Christmas neighbourhood which makes John extremely happy. It will be exciting to do some holiday baking in my "new" kitchen. All the kids will have their own rooms, the girls will share a bathroom and Connor will have his own. The grandparents will have a room downstairs and the most exciting part.....I will have my very own scrapbook room!!!!!!