the countdown

One week left.  This time next week the kids will be gone and in Powell River.  John and I will be frantically finishing cleaning and packing up this house.  Tonight I crawled into the upper kitchen cabinets and pulled out things that have been up there for a very long time.  A shake maker and numerous glass canisters.  Lots of surprises ( that went straight into the garbage). 
Tomorrow the girls and I will finish upstairs and I will toss out all the(old but just haven't gotten around to it) moldy tubby toys.  We have one more week of garbage pick up so I want to make the most of it and get everything out that I can.  We have the Powell River corner ( stuff that will go to my folks house), the storage corner and the garbage corner.  This week I tackled the oven.  Now it's the bathrooms and floors.  I'm not sure if the new owners have found tenants yet or not but I want to make sure there are no issues when we leave.  Alyra is starting to get weepy over the thought of leaving the house.  These next few days are busy for her and I'm hoping it will take her mind off of everything.  I'm sure my dad will have a very long 5 hour journey to PR with one distraught granddaughter.  He doesn't do tears and upset well when it comes to his girls.  The BIG pink bear will also make the journey and if I know my dad it will be sitting next to him in the front seat of the truck. 
Since Connor was born I have been reading blogs.  I'd call me a blog stalker.  One who lurks but never comments.  I've always wondered how people tell the truth?  How can they speak from the heart?  It is truly difficult to express the reality that is your life with out sounding ungrateful or resentful and whiny.  I've been trying to alternate the griping/complaining posts with the all is well /I am very grateful posts.  How's it going so far?


Anonymous said…
You are doing a fabulous job! As someone who reads and is still too shy to write her own, I find a good chuckle and much to empathize with when I peek into your world! I remember the packing up, the checking off of the master to do list and the reality of moving - ain't nothing like an HGTV show! ;) Just remember that each day has a "best day ever" moment hiding somewhere when you take a minute to stop and look for it! I figure the thought of big pink bear as the move mascot is it! Now go take a picture ...hugs! Geny