We have an amazing Daycare provider. Karen has been in our lives since Alyra was a year old. She was our savior when our original daycare fell through. It was the right fit right from the start. Karen is an amazing and patient caregiver for our children. Alyra, Connor and Arwyn have blossomed under her care. When all "Bleep" fell a part in the last week of my pregnancy with Connor, I broke down in tears and thought who would care for him, how would I be able to return to work? Karen wrote me a letter that said she would. She would find a way to take care of our son. No matter what. I still have that letter. She took him in, learned all she could. She is better at adapting things then us. She loves my kids unconditionally and they love her. When the last little Ryan came along she welcomed her with open arms.