say goodnight gracie

Today we left the house and have begun our journey with the cat and dog up to my folks house in Powell River.  I sit here in the BC ferries parking lot (free wifi) and type with tears falling onto the keyboard.  Don't get me wrong, I'm supper excited about the new house and can't wait to start our lives in a different home, we stood in the different parts of the house we couldn't help but think back to the many memories we have in that house.  Alyra's second birthday with both of my grandparents there, the Christmas that my grandmother came down for the holidays (it was her first Christmas without my papa). For John it was painting Alyra's room in the theme of Dora.  I stood in Connor's old room and remembered sitting in the rocking chair, 39 weeks pregnant, sobbing.  I thought of Rhys, their first visit to the house and the many more that followed and I cried.  I'm allowed to be sad, that's what I told Alyra.  As long as I don't dwell.  Shed a few tears and then move on.  Treasure the memories for what they are, sweet thoughts of all things good(and bad).  So as John hugged me in the mudroom of the old house, he bid me to "say goodnight Gracie" and together we closed the door (of that chapter).
