Strong Women

I am constantly amazed by the strength of the people around me.  From dealing with the loss of a child, the death of a loved one or a major life event, these women embody the word strength.  It takes strength to get out of bed in the morning.  It takes strength to face the challenges of our lives.  It takes strength to smile sometimes and to cry at other times.  It takes strength to tell someone you are struggling and confide in them. I have had friends say to me that they can't believe how "strong" I am in dealing with the challenges of raising a family, working full time and raising a child with a difference.  I tell them that my struggles are just different.  Most people I know have struggles or their life leads them down a different path.  I don't think that mine are any harder or easier than someone else...just different.  As my friend Deena recently posted "she chooses to get up and live".  Everyday we are faced with choices and have to find the strength to do just that...Live.  Live for our partners, children, friends and family.  But most importantly living for ourselves.  That's were our strength truly lies.
