Tear of sadness fell down my oldest daughters cheeks this morning as we drove into school/work. She only has one more night in "her house" as she calls it. Tonight she's at a sleep over and will have one last night tomorrow night. She is very sad. I asked her what she has to look forward to this Summer and she said nothing...boohoo! I then reminded her about all the other things she would be doing...going to the Grandparents, camping with friends and cousins, getting a new room, new bed, a window seat..etc..etc. Boohoo! She admitted that she was excited about some things but very sad to be moving. She wanted to know why we just couldn't add on to our existing home. I tried to tell her that a 32 year old home can't withstand major renos and that we would have to start from scratch and that we just could not afford to do that. She seemed to understand this idea, the tears dried up and off she went to the last day of school. Connor could really care less. That's just who he is. Go with the flow kinda guy. He's excited about his summer. Sad to be leaving Miss Tobin but said that he knows he can visit with her next year. So tomorrow night should be fun....Last night for the kids. I'm reminding myself to be patient, to let them feel whatever they need to feel. Mojito's here I come!