Last night Alyra and I went to see Brave in 3D. It was a very fitting movie to see with your daughter who is approaching that age when (let's be frank, all $%^ breaks loose). I cried, but then again, I'm a sap when it comes to movies. Although I can't imagine I'll break into tears when I head off to see Magic Mike tonight. It was a truly touching movie. The reviews haven't been the best ( from what I've read) but I really enjoyed it. Such a great story line. Although I was expecting to see a handsome Prince sweep Merida off her feet and for once that didn't happen in a Disney show. I have to say that I LOVED her hair! Oh how I wish I had a head of hair like that! Alyra enjoyed it. I can't say which part she liked the best as it would give away a bit too much of the plot. I'm glad I didn't take Arwyn. It had some scary parts right from the opening scene that might have frightened her. I think Connor would enjoy it! Maybe next time...I wouldn't mind going to see it again.