Over the past month we have sent out new family packages to four families. It has been a great experience to be able to reach out and welcome them. There is a new baby girl ( about 4 months old), a new baby boy ( about 6 months old), a little boy ( about 3 years old) and a 10 year old girl. More and more, word is spreading about this great group of supportive and caring people. I would like to share a story of how small this world really is. When Connor and I went to the ALPA conference in May, we took public transit to get to the airport. It was long journey that started with a bus outside our house. We got on and headed off to the skytrain station. When we reached our destination the bus driver told us that he would refresh our tickets so that they would last to get to the airport ( they expire after a given amount of time). We let the other passengers off and then went up to the front of the bus. He gave us new tickets and lowered the bus so that Connor could get off easier. Then he surprised me by saying that he has a LP son who was 2. I was shocked and excited( sometimes I live in the bubble that I should know every LP that lives in BC). I asked if he knew about LPBC? He said that they were not yet connected with the group. I wish I had not been in such a rush to make the train. I wish that I had a business card to give him with all the LPBC info on it. I should have taken more time. That evening when I chatted with my husband about it, I told him all about the bus driver and how there was a little boy out there. I said I regretted not getting his name. I told everyone about my bus trip.
In June, a mom posted on the POLP facebook group ( parents of little people) that she was new to the group and introduced herself. She was from BC and had a son. Well....it turns out she is the mom of the little boy and her husband had come home and told her about us too! We've now connected and I can't wait to meet them! I'm grateful that I don't have to regret not having a card on that bus...but I will say I'm in the process of making some up, just in case this situation happens again.
In June, a mom posted on the POLP facebook group ( parents of little people) that she was new to the group and introduced herself. She was from BC and had a son. Well....it turns out she is the mom of the little boy and her husband had come home and told her about us too! We've now connected and I can't wait to meet them! I'm grateful that I don't have to regret not having a card on that bus...but I will say I'm in the process of making some up, just in case this situation happens again.