I'm the newsletter editor for LPBC and for the past two years have put together a lovely newsletter for all of our members. Since Rhys passed away I've had a serious case of "lack of motivation". I start by sitting in front of the computer screen, open up the most recent addition ( started this in May...), look at the front cover and quickly close the screen down and run away. I often sit there and cry, looking at sweet pictures of an amazing little boy. I know that it is important and I so very much want to get it done...but the block is there. I have told myself "you need to get this done"...for Rhys, for Deena, Scott and Mia, for family and friends and for all of our LPBC members. I've given myself my own personal deadline but it's a challenge. I'm hoping that I can come to terms with this and move forward. To be honest, Deena was my sounding board for the newsletter, she was the one who convinced me to do it in the first place, she was my go to girl and I miss that, I miss her. There are some great articles, ideas and stories to share and I will get to it, just not today.