The outcome of the Dentist....A is good. The dentist will be chatting with the Ortho about her incisors and space. Miss A is good and was a model patient in the chair. Had her teeth brushed and cleaned. She's good to go. Some excess tissue on the top of her mouth but so far so good. Now for Mr. C....he was a bit whiny and threw a hissy fit. In the end he had his teeth cleaned and x-rayed. The dentist originally said that we should just let him be for a while but changed her mind upon seeing the x-rays. His adult teeth coming in are HUGE and there is absolutely no room. So they will do a panoramic in three months and see if he will go to otho sooner rather then later. Yes, I know he is only 6 but if early intervention will help the process then I am all for it.
We found a great bed at Sears and it will be delivered on the 2nd of October...Whoot whoot! Bring on the King sized bed.
We signed A up for riding lessons at Semiahmoo Stables. She is in the year long program and we met the instructor and the owner of the stables. She is a retired teacher and very nice. A will have the same horse all year long as they want their riders to bond with the horse and develop a good relationship with them. We took A to Stampede Tack and bought her some boots ( and Grandma pitched in for a nice pair of riding pants) and some riding gloves. She is over the moon about it and I'm pretty excited for her. The last time I was at that store I was buying a Huge belt buckle ( not for me but the person I was with at the time)...long story of my early years. I was once a regular at the Country bar here in the city called Boone County and no...I did not own my own boot and belt buckle...absolutely not!
We found a great bed at Sears and it will be delivered on the 2nd of October...Whoot whoot! Bring on the King sized bed.
We signed A up for riding lessons at Semiahmoo Stables. She is in the year long program and we met the instructor and the owner of the stables. She is a retired teacher and very nice. A will have the same horse all year long as they want their riders to bond with the horse and develop a good relationship with them. We took A to Stampede Tack and bought her some boots ( and Grandma pitched in for a nice pair of riding pants) and some riding gloves. She is over the moon about it and I'm pretty excited for her. The last time I was at that store I was buying a Huge belt buckle ( not for me but the person I was with at the time)...long story of my early years. I was once a regular at the Country bar here in the city called Boone County and no...I did not own my own boot and belt buckle...absolutely not!