Do you know how many times we've been to Children's Hospital with Mr. C? (Let's not include the trip last week with the fall off the slide). It's well over 150 times. Connor has had 7 MRI's, 3(or is it 4) sets of tubes, head ultrasounds, arm ultrasounds and x-rays, CT scan, has had his adenoids removes, one tonsil ( it's a long story as to why it's only one), 5 sleep studies, 2 spinal decompressions at the level of C1, one broken arm, 4 nerve conduction tests, multiple specialist appointments ( we see a Neurosurgeon, an ENT, an OTHO, a Respirologist, Neurologist, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, pediatrician and our family Doc). The daycare nurses know him by name and I swear we should have our own parking spot.
Having a child with Achondroplasia, brings with it a set of factors that may or may not play a roll in that child's life. We know of some families that have had no issues and others that have had even more complications then Mr. C. It has gotten a bit easier over the years....with the last spinal decompression in October 2011, things have been relatively stable ( except the broken arm and the fall off the slide, etc, etc). It's hard to write it all down and not say WOW....that's a lot to handle but like I said (here), we all have our own challenges that we must face, some are just different then others.