Today we will tackle the very large job of carving our pumpkins for Halloween this Wednesday. The kids are excited. I wish I had magical genie powers to blink and have them all ready to carve. Top cut and guts taken out. I'm sure we will collect and wash the pumpkin seeds to slow roast with a bit of sea salt. Apple tarts are cooling in the counter...yummy. The sun is peaking out from behind the clouds. Homework is already done. Trying to decide what is for dinner on this lazy Sunday. October is coming to an end and then it will be the excitement of that other holiday that arrives in December. John is working on a plan for the lights at this house. I'm excited about getting all decorated up for Christmas. We are hosting the LPBC Holiday gathering this year and have to have the house ready for the 1st of December. Looks like we might have to invest in a fake tree for this house.