making fun...

"Mom...those people were making fun of Mr. C" said my oldest the other day in Walmart.  I requested clarification "making fun of or just looking?".  "Laughing at him and pointing".  "Oh" I said and asked where they were but they had left already.  We have had conversations with our oldest about people noticing that Mr. C is different. She is very protective at times over her little bro and other times could care less.  She can often be heard saying" he's a little person".  I tune people out.  I don't notice the stares or the looks.  I concentrate on my family when we are out in public and not on other people.  I'm oblivious...most of the time. It's a learning process for me and for all of us.  How do we confront people who are looking a little to close, people who are pointing...tourists who want a picture with the "little person" ( and yes that has happened to me and I've said no).  We learn on the fly and how we react changes from day to day and minute to minute.  So far my approach has come from how my son views  of the world but I'm sure the day is coming when that will be different. 
