Fast asleep...

Miss A was in bed by 6 pm and asleep by 6:30...out cold.  Mr. C is now in bed ( 7:45 pm) and will most likely be asleep soon.  I'm heading that way soon...I'm thinking that tonight is daylight savings...I must remember. 
The oldest could stay up really late if I let her but since mommy wants to hit the does she!  I'm going to enjoy some quiet time, a good cup of tea and make land of nod cinnamon buns for the morning.  A special treat.  I haven't made them here in the new house and I'm looking forward to using my pampered chef bundt pan that was in storage at the old house.  I'm really excited about doing some holiday baking.  It's time to clear out some space in the freezer and head to the States to stock up on my baking supplies ( I'm a butter Piranha...wink wink)!
