Mr. C was taken off of oxygen yesterday and on a minimal IV drip. They are leaving in the IV in order to administer the antibiotic. The respirologist wants an apnea study tonight....this could be a whole other post about this topic (insert sarcasm and frustration here). So we have hopefully one more night in the hospital and then home. I won't make it in to see him today as last night the youngest came down with something. Grandma spent the day with him...probably playing Uno and watching more movies. Daddy will arrive there any minute to spell her off to come home. One more night...I keep repeating that over and over.
I wrote a post about strong women here( strong women) and I've heard that a bit over the last few days but to be honest I am not strong at all. I'm living one day at a time and struggling to find patience. Struggling to cope minute by minute. My husband and I have been passing in halls...I really haven't seen him since Sunday night when he took Mr. C into the hospital. We text over facebook to keep each other in the loop.
The girls took a break today and stayed home. Thanks to the kindness of friends, dinner is in the oven baking as I type. The oldest is practicing math facts and the youngest is complaining that she would like her koolaid in a bottle like her sister. We are hoping for a smoother night. Fingers crossed.
I wrote a post about strong women here( strong women) and I've heard that a bit over the last few days but to be honest I am not strong at all. I'm living one day at a time and struggling to find patience. Struggling to cope minute by minute. My husband and I have been passing in halls...I really haven't seen him since Sunday night when he took Mr. C into the hospital. We text over facebook to keep each other in the loop.
The girls took a break today and stayed home. Thanks to the kindness of friends, dinner is in the oven baking as I type. The oldest is practicing math facts and the youngest is complaining that she would like her koolaid in a bottle like her sister. We are hoping for a smoother night. Fingers crossed.