one sick boy

On Monday night Mr. C was scratching, said he was itchy all was Beavers night so I said "come here".  I pulled up his shirt and he was covered in a rash...large welts all over.  We said no beavers and no school the next day.  The rash came with a fever which came with a cough ( Kinda like the one Mommy has) and now onto his third day off school.  Today the rash is gone but the cough is bad.  Looks like he may not return to school this week.  Mommy has been down for the count as well but marks are due at school for term one so she has to soldier on.
I'm also busy getting ready for the LPBC Holiday Gathering.  Trying to make sure the house is decorated and ready to go.  Catering is in place and that is all organized.  People are RSVPing and I'm getting pretty excited about it.  
