What are you watching?

TV...my mindless oblivion.  There are weeks that go by where I don't watch a single show.  They get PVR'd for future use.  I do believe this will be one of those weeks.  I'm enjoying Criminal Minds ( I've watched it from the beginning), Glee ( although I didn't like the break they took between episodes this season), Amazing Race ( it's nice to be able to watch that with the oldest now) and a new one that I've added on Chicago Fire.  There are a few others that I watch but not sure I'm all that into them anymore (Once Upon a Time, Grimm...) so I'll leave them off my official list of shows.
The rain is falling outside and the kids are tucked into bed.  The dogs are asleep, sugar on the couch and Kiyo on the dog bed.
It's almost time for Grandpa to turn into a pumpkin and me too...until my youngest alarm goes off tomorrow. 
