As a teacher I can only imagine the horror that rang through that school. As a parent I can only imagine the horror that those parents, family and friends now must deal with. It was on the news whether or not BC schools have a plan in place should something like this happen here. I can say that yes we do. We've even made some recent changes to security measures by locking our secondary access doors at 8:45 am. Will that plan stop someone with a gun? Will it stop someone with a plan? No it won't. Are our schools safe? I would hope so. I don't go to work everyday in fear. There have been students that scare the heck out of me. Several of them have mental health issues but we always hope for the best. We take one day at a time and put one foot in front of the other. There will be great debates in the coming days about gun laws and help for those who have mental health issues. It would appear after every major event these things are discussed with great passion but nothing is every done to solve the issues and here they are again discussing how can this be stopped. Time for talking is over. It's time for change. My thoughts are with all of those effected by this terrible tradegy. I have hugged my kids a bit more each day.