Dear Little One

Friday you will be three...I can remember that day very clearly.  A scheduled c-section, ready to go.  As they took me into the operating room, I started to panic as memories of your brothers birth hit me like a tonne of bricks.  With your Daddy by my side, Dr. Bloomenthal and Dr. MacInnes, you came into this world pink and beautiful. 
You have grown in the love of your siblings, family and friends.  Your charm and attitude are pretty amazing.  You are strong willed and bright.  Your vocab is shocking really, you can tell a story a mile long and hold your own with the best of us.  Potty trained at 23 months, you are a "pip" and we love you. You love Dora, Doc McStuffins and can sing the theme song to Power Rangers Samurai.  You love Kiyo and can be found putting your blanket over her. 
You started swimming lessons on your own and you really want to take ballet class ( Mommy will find one for you somewhere).  You are growing up so fast and I'm watching the time fly in your eyes everyday. We love you very much.
