so let's think back to the timeline of respiratory illnesses in this house...November, Mr. C gets sick resulting in a four day stint in BCCH with pneumonia. He gets better but the littlest girl succumbs to a BIG BAD ugly thing that just won't go away, resulting in a trip the CR Emergency room on December 26th. All seems to pass and everyone picks up at the beginning of January! HOORAY! First week back into work...little miss gets hit again...cough...hack.... Now put in Mr. C's arm drama and on Friday the big one hit...Mommy has been taken off by the knees. Whole body hurts, Possible bruised ribs from coughing so much, gunky green stuff coming out, hot, cold, dizzy....(I know TMI)
My hubby has been fantastic. Mommy can't get up...mommy needs water....mommy needs to sleep, mommy needs a puking bowl, an extra blanket, warm heated rocks at my feet ( dreaming here)...what she could really use is a cuddle. I got a few from my kids today between mommy coughing so hard is scared them...and a rare peaceful moment. The pull back in forth between two cold and too hot is driving me batty. My words are ramblings of a worn out mama.....
No to the heart of the story...should or should I NOT go to work? I'm to done in to make an appearance tomorrow and to be honest...I'll see if I can go any day this week, the germs, the students bring with them is insane. But for all those teachers out there you know it is much more work to plan for a substitute then to go in a face the music. Maybe a day of Mrs. Ryan teaching from a prefab bed in her pj"s....algebra questions all the way! Go Go Math! This goose is cooked.
APDATED: I miss my mommy and daddy....they would bring me stirred gingerale...My Dad offered to come help out and those gifts are very precious to us. We call on you too much in this crazy life we lead so we'll keep the offer for some bigger need down the road...I miss my grandmother who would make me Cinnamon toast and tea for breakfast. Oh how I miss you nanie. This sickness has made me a bit weepy.
My hubby has been fantastic. Mommy can't get up...mommy needs water....mommy needs to sleep, mommy needs a puking bowl, an extra blanket, warm heated rocks at my feet ( dreaming here)...what she could really use is a cuddle. I got a few from my kids today between mommy coughing so hard is scared them...and a rare peaceful moment. The pull back in forth between two cold and too hot is driving me batty. My words are ramblings of a worn out mama.....
No to the heart of the story...should or should I NOT go to work? I'm to done in to make an appearance tomorrow and to be honest...I'll see if I can go any day this week, the germs, the students bring with them is insane. But for all those teachers out there you know it is much more work to plan for a substitute then to go in a face the music. Maybe a day of Mrs. Ryan teaching from a prefab bed in her pj"s....algebra questions all the way! Go Go Math! This goose is cooked.
APDATED: I miss my mommy and daddy....they would bring me stirred gingerale...My Dad offered to come help out and those gifts are very precious to us. We call on you too much in this crazy life we lead so we'll keep the offer for some bigger need down the road...I miss my grandmother who would make me Cinnamon toast and tea for breakfast. Oh how I miss you nanie. This sickness has made me a bit weepy.
I am sending healing thoughts and warm hugs from Port Moody. Hang in this too shall pass...It sounds like a long haul. Must be time for a mama's weekend.