It's October and for us that means spreading a bit more information about my wonderful, cheeky, talented, verbose, and most of all loveable son. Usually I tell some facts about him, his type of dwarfism, his strengths and stretches, but tonight I'm gonna focus on me for a change ( wink wink). Sometimes the mama bear comes out in me. I see 'new to this" families being attacked (for like of a better word) for simply posting a video with a child who has the same very rare dwarfism as their handsome young son. We as parents love to see other versions of what could be our children later on in life. It gives us comfort to meet, see and get to know others with similar conditions or other parents whose children face difficulties. It warms our hearts to see that our children have a future because those first 0-5 years can be somewhat frightening and lonely with multiple trips to the hospital, many trips to the doctors, the amount of doctors and just being plainly overwhelmed. I want to take every new parent under my wing and protect them from the hurts that some people can inflict. The let's face it, some people say stupid things. Hurt us unwillingly and offend us unknowingly. Like the time one of my colleagues at work made mention of dwarf tossing in a staff room right after Mr. C was born. I left the meeting shaken and furious. That colleague apologized for their lack of tact. We struggle as parents, not to be over protective, not to be a helicopter, not to put them in a bubble ( although I have wanted to put Mr. C in one) but we also struggle with our own personal weaknesses, worries and fears. So my message is one of support. Help out those new families, give them a hug and ask what they need. Because there are good times but there are also very hard times. Chin up peeps, mama bear has her claws out.