Ah, I think I've been here before. You know how they say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger? If that were true I'd be lifting the world on my shoulders like Atlas. I do though however have the best family and Peeps a girl could ask for. I may not have the strength but their collective thoughts and prayers hold me up and give me the courage and the desire to face each day. My children's kisses, hugs and unending love are what makes each day a new day. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Tomorrow is the day that you are suppose to show all the loved ones in your life how much you love them. I try and do that everyday. Everyday I get the chance I try and tell people I am grateful for them. It's coming up to the fourth anniversary of that fateful night so long ago. A day that forever makes me grateful for all that I have and for all that I love. I've developed a tool box to deal with hard things. I'm more self-aware, can take care of proper self care and I am much more self reflective. It must have been a combination of good counselling and three classes in Social-emotional learning courses during my Masters.